1st Capes/Print/Ufes Seminar- Theme 1

Theme 1 - Social Issue - which is composed by Graduate Programs in Social Policy, Education and Public Health, involved in its five projects, had their 1st Capes/Print/Ufes Seminar on March 26, 2019, from 8 am to 5 pm, in a room at the Education Building at Ufes Goiabeiras campus.
Ufes's Pro-rector of Research and Graduate Studies, Prof. Neyval Costa Reis Junior, along with Ufes's Head of International Office, Prof. Patrícia Alcântara Cardoso opened the event.
With a rich agenda, the Seminar had about 50 enrolled, among them were:
- Nicolette Roman, Inge Sonn, Edna Rich, Charlene Erasmus and PhD students from University of the Western Cape, South Africa;
- Gary Spolander and Rafael Silva from Coventry University, England;
- Sit Sui from Southwest University, China, visiting professor at Ufes's Graduate Program of Social Policy);
- Professors and students from the three Graduate Programs involved.
In the morning, Inge Sonn presented "Care services in the context of austerity: a South African perspective on early childhood development". Professor Vania Carvalho Araújo (Graduate Program in Education) highlighted public policies for children in Brazil.
In the afternoon, Professor Paulo Nakatani reflected on the national and international economic conjuncture. Finally, Professor Sit Tsui talked about rural communities and crises in Modern China.
Finally, the theme project coordinators discussed the challenges PrInt brings to the Program and its dynamics.