Theme 3: Technological Aspects
Partner countries: Sweden; France; Spain; Chile; Argentina; Australia; United States; Canada; United Kingdom; Denmark; Norway. Rationale: Globally, cities face challenges derived from population growth, migration, unequal development, and environmental stress, resulting in an increasing pressure on all social and physical infrastructures, including health, social services, transportation, water, communication, energy, and other services. The technological aspects linked to the urban environment are vital when considering what the human being wishes in terms of life and environment quality, where we will live in the next years. Topics such as logistics, quality and use of energy (solar/wind, electric and computer-driven cars, for example), air, food and water quality, human-robot interaction (we daily hear and read about more service robots and devices to help impaired people, for example), these are updated topics in international and national levels. Besides, Graduate Programs involved in these topics have been experiencing various international partnerships, including double degrees, collaborative publications, student and researcher incoming and outgoing mobility, and financial support from abroad, besides financial support provided by Brazilian funding institutions. One of the key catalysts is the faculty academic training, involved in the participant programs of this proposal, most of them got their PhD degrees at very important foreign universities or had international experiences abroad during their postdoctoral period, in countries such as England, United States, Spain, France, Germany, and others. The continuation of efforts for collaborative research and for strengthening of existing collaborations are central in this proposal, which involves the University San Juan (Argentina); Technical University Federico Santa María (Chile); Universities of Alberta and Ryerson (Canada); École des Hautes Étude Commerciales, École de Mines de Douai and Nantes, Télécom ParisTech, University of Bourdeaux (France); Telecommunication Institute and Algarve University (Portugal); London, Bristol, Southampton and Reading Universities (England); Universidad Complutense, Universidad de Barcelona, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain), Florida International University, West Virginia University, Schlumberger-Doll Research (United States), among others. |
GRADUATE PROGRAMS Coordinator: Diogo Costa Buarque diogo.buarque [at] +55 (27) 3335 2324 +55 (27) 3357 8500 pos.engenhariaambiental [at]
Coordinator: Evandro Ottoni Teatini Salles evandro [at] +55 (27) 3357 9500 +5198 +55 (27) 3357 9500 +5163 ppgee [at]
Coordinator: Valdemar Lacerda Junior vljuniorqui [at] +55 (27) 4009 2909 ppgq.ufes [at] |
PROJECT COORDINATORS Marcelo Eduardo Vieira Segatto segatto [at]